We use JavaScript to detect the presence of the QuickTime browser plug-in and for certain site functions. Please enable JavaScript now by following the appropriate instructions below.
In IE5+(Mac) select "Edit" from the menu bar and choose "Preferences". Then select "Web Content" and click on the "Enable Scripting" checkbox so that an "x" appears.
In IE5.5+ (PC), choose "Tools" from the menu bar and select "Internet Options" from the pop-up window. Choose the "Security" tab and click the "Custom Level" button at the bottm of the window. Under "Scripting" check the radio button next to "Enable", under the "Active Scripting" header. While you are there, you might also want to check that "Active-X" is set to "Enabled".
For Netscape Navigator 6+ (Mac or PC) choose "Preferences" from the main menu, then select "Advanced" from the category list. Under the first heading "Enable features that help interpret web pages" set "Enable JavaScript for Navigator" by clicking the checkbox to its left.