Edging Closer to fall! The trees are beginning to lose their chlorophyll! Subtle changes are now on the horizon!

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Edging Closer to fall! The trees are beginning to lose their chlorophyll! Subtle changes are now on the horizon!

Post: # 22236Post ctyanky
Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:29 am

Hello foliage friends! With many friends in the tree business, I am fortunate to be able to pepper them with questions related to our forests, tree health, tree preservation and most of all, fall foliage! I just love anything to do with our natural landscape and am so intrigued and impressed by their knowledge in all aspects of tree care and management. I try to read anything I can about our trees and forests and how they impact our lives. I simply can't imagine our world without our forests. (Just read the novel, “Harry's Trees” and you will see what I mean!!!!). Sometimes, I think I missed my calling! Maybe I'll be a tree hugger in my next life...….. :?

Anyways........it was actually one of my aborist friends who recently alerted me regarding the trees beginning to lose their dark green color and he was wondering why I hadn't mentioned it to him first! Being the foliage fanatic that I am, I'm usually right up there telling them, “I'm seeing things changing!” And then watching them roll their eyes with a “It's just a stressed tree!” response. Not this time!!!! :mrgreen:

So off I went, traveling around northern CT where I saw many leaves beginning to fade to almost the spring emergent color of light green. No color popping out yet obviously, but wow, it was out there, right in front of me. It just made me so happy to see things moving along the normal early August schedule where subtle changes are apparent if you keep your eyes peeled upward. The is a normal occurrence in early August; the slow transition of fading chlorophyll. It can also come to an abrupt halt depending on the weather, but it's about this time every year, you can detect the transformation. You just have to keep looking towards the canopies. (Maybe it's just us foliage geeks that do that?) :roll:

Our trees and forests in New England continue to show great health and we have had moderate rainfall to keep them looking oh so fine. We are in our last summer month of heat as well, so keep your fingers crossed. We do not want a repeat of the 90's that came to New England the middle and end of September one year! :evil: It is a sad occurrence, that EAB (Emerald Ash Borer) has hit many regions of Vermont and throughout New England. I've seen many ash trees in a sad decline because of this insect.....

So next month starts our meteorological fall, can you believe it? September 1st! I can actually say, I'm heading to Vermont for my fall foliage vacation NEXT MONTH! Yessssssssss!

PS I got so excited, I've actually put up one foliage décor over my fire place. I just had to, just one! Promise!!!! :wink:

Let the fun begin! Enjoy the rest of this glorious summer!

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Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

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Re: Edging Closer to fall! The trees are beginning to lose their chlorophyll! Subtle changes are now on the horizon!

Post: # 22267Post ctyanky
Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:48 pm

I just got back from a long day in SO VT (more on that later) and I saw one red branch and lots of yellow popping out on some tree tops. It was really beautiful in Chester and Ludlow, just another sparkling day in the great state of Vermont! 67 degrees at Okemo and white puffy clouds and blue skies. The weekends have been nothing short of amazing for outdoor enthusiasts for sure. Lots of happy people out enjoying life!

Seeing that spot of red really made me smile! :D :D :D (Even if it was just one spot). :lol:

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Re: Edging Closer to fall! The trees are beginning to lose their chlorophyll! Subtle changes are now on the horizon!

Post: # 22322Post ctyanky
Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:37 pm

I got an email from Phil (pwt-forum moderator) this weekend who said, "The trees are showing color". He lives in Johnson, and, since he is a man of few words, I consider this prolific! :lol: Plus, I like what he said. :wink:

I was hiking the AT in the Berkshires today and saw lots of flares of red along many roads at the tree tops, especially the swamp maples!!! This was in the extreme SW corner of Mass. It was VERY warm hiking, but lots of signs of the coming season. Good enough for me! We skipped our trip to VT hiking so we could establish some new fall hiking venues in the Mt. Washington Forest near Bash Bish Falls. Lots of great mountains out there folks!


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