Critique #1 2015

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Utah Baker
Posts: 633
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Critique #1 2015

Post: # 18638Post Utah Baker
Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:51 pm

Ok everyone, I am going to stick my neck out once more. This is one of my favorites from last fall, but wondering if I should crop it more from the bottom, as to not be too centered once again. I do love reflections!
DSC_0103.jpg (169.88 KiB) Viewed 32820 times

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Re: Critique #1 2015

Post: # 18639Post autzig
Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:35 pm

I think cropping your photo would do a disservice to it. I really like it too and I think the reflection of all the clouds makes the photo.

While there are some basic axioms in photography, there are exceptions. While the shot is centered both vertically and horizontally, it works! If you want to experiment with cropping, don't crop from the bottom, try cropping from the side, putting the mountain more to the left or to the right. Regardless of what you do, I don't think you will find a composition that you like better than this one.


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Re: Critique #1 2015

Post: # 18641Post axsnyder
Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:47 am

This shot is an excellent representation of where utilizing the rule of thirds ( would have made it over the top. By the way, nice shot, but some different framing would have made it amazing.

Think of the reflection as a third, the trees down the middle of the image as another third, and the sky being the top third. If less sky was present and more reflection was there you wouldn't be asking about whether it makes sense to crop the image or not ;)

In my opinion, your photo is about as post-processed as you can make it. The only way to make this image better is to retake it.

And again, don't take this as "your photo sucks" because it doesn't; this is a critique thread.

Utah Baker
Posts: 633
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:45 pm

Re: Critique #1 2015

Post: # 18643Post Utah Baker
Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:41 am

Thanks guys! We're here to learn ....and hopefully improve! :D

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