Discussions on Equipment, Locations and Tips for getting the photographs you want of Vermont scenes.Note: You must be registered in order to post. If you have trouble registering, use the contact us form on Scenes of Vermont's home page.

Moderators: Andy, admin

Posts: 1562
Joined: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:01 am
Location: Saginaw, Michigan


Post: # 14735Post Andy
Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:07 am

This thread is a Merger/Consolidation of several old "sticky" threads on location. The sticky topic list was growing so long that it was obscuring new posts.

This thread is a place to find and post information about LOCATIONS for photograpy, as opposed to general photographic locations. We are looking here for DIRECTIONS, information about where to find a shot, parking, changes to the locations and subjects, etc.

If your post refers to an area already noted here (subject in all capital letters), please use the prefix RE: and the area in the subject area, even if it is a reply). If it is a BRAND NEW scene or area, the subject should be titled in All Caps. Moderators will reserve the right to determine whether it is an NEW area or a modification.

If it sounds too good to be true, its probably . . . .

Posts: 449
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:01 am


Post: # 18825Post deaner1971
Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:48 am

To follow-up on Andy's mention of the Townsend/Newfane area, the Scott Bridge over the West River is a nice stop. It is to the right if you are coming from the Manchester/Stratton/Jamaica direction and on the left if coming from Brattleboro. There is a little parking area right by the bridge but, you can climb down (BE CAREFUL) to a stone ledge slightly down river from the bridge and get a shot up stream of the bridge.

My shot of the bridge is, both later in the season and in the day, than is optimal.


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