The winter that will never end

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The winter that will never end

Post: # 8203Post autzig
Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:43 pm

It seems that this is the winter that will never end in my part of the country. Here are a couple of photos I took this weekend in Badlands National Park. By mid-April, snow should be gone.


I've shot a lot of phots in the Badlands, but I think this one is my favorite.


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Post: # 8204Post ctyanky
Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:29 am

Hi Al: These photos are indeed stunning. These formations look cold and stark but the amount of texture resulting from the contrasting snow makes everything stand out and is beautiful. Thanks for putting them up.

P.S. I will agree with you on the never ending winter. Easter was freezing here and we had the heat on and our winter coats and gloves. No snow but doesn't feel at all like Spring!
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Post: # 8219Post Andy
Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:00 pm

Hi Al: Have you ever used the techniques espoused by Dan Margulis in the LAB color space in Photoshop? He demonstrates a curves technique that I have been using regularly as part of my post-processing since reading his book on the LAB Color space. These photos make me think of it as he points out that it works best when there are not already lots of different contrasting colors. It would be interesting to see (if you haven't already done so) how his technique would change the look of these.

Don't get me wrong -- I am not saying they don't already look great :lol:

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Post: # 8223Post GIC
Fri May 01, 2009 2:49 pm

Those are excellent shots. Looks like High dynamic range (HDR) shots. I'm about to get started with some HDR shots when the weather gets better.

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Post: # 8226Post autzig
Sat May 02, 2009 9:29 am

Andy, after reading your message, I played around with Lab Color using Scott Kelby's method and came up with this Badlands revision:

It a touch brighter and more saturated. What do you think? Too much saturation? Actually the original of the first submission was more saturated. I think saving for web, sucks the color out the the images. I was unaware of Dan Margulis' method.

GIC, these are not HDR images. The contrast wasn't so great that I needed to use HDR although I do use Photomatix at times.

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Post: # 8273Post amyflavored
Tue May 19, 2009 1:56 pm

hello all,
Yes, they are great pictures and I agree that winter is holding on a long time this year. It seems we have had more sunshine this spring but still not very warm yet.

Apparently this coming weekend is going to be HOT, so get out and enjoy it while you can!!!!

I like the contrast in the pictures with the fresh dusting of snow, but it does make one cold to look at it. As photos, I think they are fine without any tweaking.

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