A Vision for this Forum
A Vision for this Forum
One of the things I would personally like to see in this forum is to develop a resource of photo scenic locations. Part of what motivates this is the resources which have become a bit dated like the wwww.sevenhillscameraclub.com website and Arnold Kaplan's Book. I know there are a number of folks out there who have used them as a resource--but we have learned that some of them are no longer viable, or at least do not have the same point of view from which to photograph. If you know of a location and are willing to share here, we would love to have as much information as possible. I found the information like specific directons to the location and where to find the "tripod spots", best time of day for best light, any information about parking and what may be prohibited or allowed, from these resources invaluable. And if possible, post a photo.
If it sounds too good to be true, its probably . . . .
If it sounds too good to be true, its probably . . . .