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This Is What We've Been Waiting For... PURE AUTUMN BLISS!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:41 am
by ctyanky
Brilliant bluebird skies, refreshing, crisp autumn air, gentle breezes and colors popping out everywhere! Days like this, well, it just is heavenly! :D Time for waffles and Vermont maple syrup, pumpkin spice lattes, apple picking and pumpkin patches! Our coldest morning ever!

Just counting my blessings!!! 8)

Enjoy this incredible weekend! CT

Re: This Is What We've Been Waiting For... PURE AUTUMN BLISS!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:53 pm
by bvahjen
Well, its 100 here today, so I can only imagine..

Re: This Is What We've Been Waiting For... PURE AUTUMN BLISS!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:36 am
by ctyanky
oh BV: sorry about the 100. :( I'm also sad I missed you all last fall in Vermont. Maybe you'll get back to the east coast again from AZ? If you are in CT again, let me know and we can do another hike in the NW corner! :D

Re: This Is What We've Been Waiting For... PURE AUTUMN BLISS!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:13 pm
by bvahjen
Sure will! Enjoy your time! My friend sent me a picture from Stratton the other day, it was gorgeous. I’ll have make do with aspens. Sigh. BV

Re: This Is What We've Been Waiting For... PURE AUTUMN BLISS!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:41 pm
by ctyanky
Hi BV, aspens will be just as nice. I was in Chester VT today and thought of you of course. (Stay tuned for trip report!)

I remember when I first met you at the Chester Fall Foliage Festival years ago, and again during sugaring season where we went to your favorite sugarhouse. Gosh, I remember it being so darn cold that day!!! My fondest memories were of your gorgeous cabin at the top of the hill in Chester and that longggggg driveway. :wink: I'm sure you miss it there - I hope we meet again some day soon. Thanks for all your recommendations on the drives around Chester. Especially Poppledungeon Road! I think I've been on that at least 3 times now! :mrgreen: I haven't been to the logging and wood carving event yet however, but I'm sure I will in the future!