Woodstock and surrounding

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Woodstock and surrounding

Post: # 22875Post minnesotaman
Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:12 pm

Woodstock and the surrounding area continues to be about a week ahead of last year, although the rapid (and a bit uneven) development of color a week ago has slowed a bit. Today there was strong wind in the afternoon, and some leaves blew off the trees. Another four or five days or so to go here. The Barnard roads, and the higher roads in Bridgewater, seem to be advanced the most. Cloudland, in Woodstock, looks to be still three or four days to go for the long view spots. Sleepy Hollow on Cloudland is still pretty green.

Farther west (Chittenden), Lefferts pond has good color, but the pond itself is weed choked this year, so the reflection shot of the little island is not there. But the little island itself is full of color, as are the hills across the pond.

I saw a lot of color over the last few days a bit closer to the west, in the Killington area. Colton and Kent ponds are coming along nicely. With some sun they will look very good. Here is Colton pond at sun up yesterday. A couple more good days to turn up the brightest colors a bit more, I think. The clouds seem to be following me, so I ought to stay away.
Colton Pond 1003 2019 MG 4238 4239 4240.jpg

Colorado Mom
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Re: Woodstock and surrounding

Post: # 22885Post Colorado Mom
Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:56 pm

Did you come onto Cloudland Road from the north Minnesotaman? We tried to enter from the south and the road was closed. They are working on that bridge. We were going to try to enter from the north tomorrow. I was just curious if the road closure just happened very recently and if it was still possible to get there another way.

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Re: Woodstock and surrounding

Post: # 22889Post minnesotaman
Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:37 am

access is only from the north, either galaxy hill or barber hill the construction at the southern end has been going on for three weeks or so.

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Re: Woodstock and surrounding

Post: # 22896Post ctyanky
Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:48 am

MInnesotaman: what do you think about the colors up there for the weekend after Columbus Day? We were planning on a day trip. Hopefully the road will be fixed by then at the south end? CT

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Re: Woodstock and surrounding

Post: # 22902Post minnesotaman
Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:08 pm

oct 20? sticks by then. but, i like the soft mouse gray color of the hills once the sticks arrive. add a little sting in the air if it gets cold and it feels like minnesota---with hills.

as far as cloudland is concerned, who knows? the mysteries of road work in vermont are even more perplexing to me than the conundrums associated with guessing the date of peak color.

Colorado Mom
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Re: Woodstock and surrounding

Post: # 22913Post Colorado Mom
Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:11 pm

We made it to Cloudland Road yesterday entering from the north. There is a sign that says closed to thru traffic. Some people parked on the road and walked in, others drove in and turned around then back. I've heard Sleepy Hollow Farm is for sale right now. Wish I had 3 million :mrgreen: Its very chilly and gloomy in Woodstock right now and rain tomorrow.

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