Warm Weather Shortens VT Sugaring Season: BFP 3.22.12
Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:43 pm
http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/arti ... |FRONTPAGE
This is quite an article! Maple Sugaring Weekend is still happening this Saturday and Sunday, but.....looks like an increase in our syrup this year.
What a year for Vermont! First Irene, then a lackluster snow/ski season, and now this: a short sugaring season. As in the past, Vermonters will triumph through these scenarios with their spirit and resilience! Yet, all the more reason for us to go up to Vermont this spring, summer and fall and help with the tourism dollars!
This is quite an article! Maple Sugaring Weekend is still happening this Saturday and Sunday, but.....looks like an increase in our syrup this year.
What a year for Vermont! First Irene, then a lackluster snow/ski season, and now this: a short sugaring season. As in the past, Vermonters will triumph through these scenarios with their spirit and resilience! Yet, all the more reason for us to go up to Vermont this spring, summer and fall and help with the tourism dollars!