The University of Vermont Morgan Horse Farm, Weybridge VT

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The University of Vermont Morgan Horse Farm, Weybridge VT

Post: # 21188Post ctyanky
Fri Oct 06, 2017 6:53 pm

Hello! After touring Vergennes, I headed to the Morgan Horse Farm in Weybridge, just outside of Middlebury. This is an amazing spot for the entire family! There is a very large statue of the Morgan Horse just in front of the white barn/stables set on a well manicured, expansive lawn. The Morgan breed is stunning and there were two of them in the corral at the entrance which allowed for some wonderful shots. The tour is great, this is about my 4th time here and I never tire of it. Today, there were 8 foals in the upper paddock who were just weaned from their mothers last week! I had a nice time talking to them (thank goodness no one was around to hear!) :mrgreen: One year that I visited, there were 16 foals in the paddock running all over the place, it was hysterical! The grounds are lovely and the gift shop has everything Morgan-related in it. I hope you can get here someday, it is a Vermont gem, and you can tour the town of Middlebury (where I am staying this weekend) and have a nice lunch and shop afterwards. Enjoy! :D
CT - Board Admin and Moderator for Scenes of Vermont
Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

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