Good Afternoon,
We are planning for a day drive starting on 11th Oct(Sunday) starting Waterbury - Groton State Park (check out Kettle, Noyes and Seyon Fishing area) - St Johhsbury (Rt US2 and US5) - Lyndone (US5) - Newport (I91) - Jays State Forest (Rt 242) - Montgomery (Rt 242) - Waterbury covering around 210 miles and 5 hours non stop driving timing... my questions are -
1. Are any of these routes at peak at the moment?
2. If we start driving from early morning around sunrise do you think we can easily finish with photo stops and food etc by sundown? We are going to drive in this area for first time so would like to understand and estimate better.
3. Are there any area/paths you would recommend us to drop/add in the itinerary?
4. I have seen pictures of Jay's peak area but i am unable to find directions how to reach same, guidance please?
5. Any particular Barn, Ponds, Bridges you would suggest stopping for photos on the route as per this years reviews & talks?
6. Should we squeeze in Pichemen village as well?
7. Any suggestions for restaurants/local on the route?
8. Please suggest any photos ideals of this or past year to get an idea..
9. Have you visited Lake Willoughby or Island Pond? Which is better for this year foliage?
10. How is route 5 from Lyndon to visit Sutton?
Thanks a lot for your inputs.. Appreciate a lot.
NEK Route Review for this weekend
Moderators: Andy, pwt54, admin, ctyanky