It takes approximately 40 gallons of sap to produce just one gallon of maple syrup, so you can see why there's so much steam. Making syrup also requires intense heat and a lot of wood. In order to provide enough heat, it takes a piece of wood as big as a man to make one gallon of syrup. So that's a lot more wood than that piece you see Jacques Couture putting in his fire.
Maple sap buckets on trees along Vermont roadsides are a sight that's slowly disappearing. Nowdays, most producers use a pipeline system.
There are many syrup producers in Vermont, but no one is more reputable than Jacques Couture. He's one of the best and he specializes in mail order. You are assured that you'll get only the freshest syrup from Couture's and to keep it fresh, remember that all maple syrup should be kept in your refrigerator or freezer. This assures best flavor retention.
If you'd like to place an order, you'll find two well known producers on Scenes of Vermont. You can place an order and have it shipped or drop by if you are in the area:
Couture's Maple Shop - Near Jay Peak in the Northeast Kingdom
See a movie about the collecting the sap and boiling it down to make maple syrup