List of Vermont Appe Orchards you can visit in the Fall.

VermontaApple orchards can be found in Bennington, Brookfield, Cornwall, East Dorset, Enosburg Fall, Franklin, Grand Isle, Isle La Motte, Middlebury, Mendon Newfane, Orwell, Shelburne, Shoreham, South Hero, Swanton, Williston.

Pick your own apples during foliage season and celebrate the fall at a Vermont Orchard

Addison County

Happy Valley Orchard
Stan & Pratt
999 Happy Valley Rd
Middlebury VT 05753
(802) 388-2411

September 6 - November 25
(Farm stand located at 217 Quarry Road – Rte 7 south of Middlebury, turn right on Foote Street go 2 miles to Quarry Road)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-Fashioned Varieties.
Fresh (Sweet) Cider, Pies, Doughnuts, Baked Goods.
Farm Stand, Pick Your Own, Wholesale, School Tours.

Champlain Orchards
William F. Suhr
2955 Route 74 West
Shoreham VT 05770
(802) 897-2777

August – October (daily 8am-6pm)
(On Route 74, 4 ½ miles west of Shoreham Village or ½ mile east of the Ticonderoga-Larrabee’s Point Ferry.)

Paula Red, Ginger Gold, Jonagold, Gala, McIntosh, Cortland, Macoun, Empire, Golden Supreme, Haralson, Northern Spy, Crispin, Liberty, Snow Apple, Honeycrisp (new)

Cider pressed daily, Pies, doughnuts, baked goods.
Farm Stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs, and Wholesale

Douglas Orchards
Scott or Bob Douglas
1050 Rte 74 W
Shoreham, VT 05770
(802) 897-5043

Early September - Thanksgiving
(Rte 74, 1.5 miles west of Rte 22A in Shoreham)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-Fashioned Varieties, Cider, Doughnuts and Baked Goods.
Farm Stand, PYO and wholesale.

Sentinel Pine Orchard

S Whitney Blodgett III
PO Box 268
Shoreham, VT 05770
(802) 897-7931

Mid September 20 – May 1
(832 Witherell Rd; 2 mi from Shoreham Village on Rt 74W – Witherell Rd off Rt 74 W)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious
School Tours, Mail order/gift packs, Wholesale and Retail.

Stevens Orchard
Karen Blair or Bob Fields
188 Stevens Orchard Road
Orwell, VT 05760
(802) 948-2292

August 30 – October 25 (call for directions and hours of operation)
(Stand at Middlebury and Brandon Farmer’s Markets)

Honeycrisp, Cider
Mail order Honeycrisp gift packs and Wholesale

Sunrise Orchards

Barney Hodges
1287 N Bingham St
Cornwall VT 05753
(802) 462-3500

August 15 on
(Rt 30 South from Middlebury to Rt 74 West. Right on North Bingham St, 1.5 miles on left)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, other apple specialties



Bennington County

The Apple Barn & Country Bake Shop
Harry Diamond
Rt 7 South
Bennington, Vermont 05201
(802) 447-7780

April 1 – December 31
(1.5 miles south on Rt 7S from downtown Bennington)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-fashioned Varieties,
Cider, Pies, doughnuts and baked goods, Cider jelly, Hard cider, Apple wine and other
apple specialties.

Farm stand, Mail order/gift packs, School Tours

Dutton Farm Stand
Paul & Wendy Dutton
136 Grassy Brook Rd
Newfane VT 05345
(802) 365-4168

Open year round, daily 9 AM – 7 PM
(Stands at Rte 11/30 Manchester and Route 9 Brattleboro)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Early Varieties, Old-fashioned Varieties, Macoun and Honey crisp, Cider, Pies, doughnuts and baked goods, Cider jelly. Farm stand

Mad Tom Orchard
Tom & Sylvia Smith
2615 Mad Tom Rd
East Dorset VT 05253
(802) 366-8107

Opening Mid-Sept (call for hours)
(2.5 miles on Mad Tom Rd. from Rt 7 at East Dorset General Store) McIntosh, Cortland, and more. Farm stand and PYO

Chittenden County

Adams Apple Orchard & Farm Market
John & Peggy Adams
1168 Old Stage Rd
Williston VT 05495
(802) 879-5226

Farm Market: April 20 – December 31; Orchard: September 1 – October 15
(From intersection of Route 2A and Industrial Avenue go 2 miles east on Mountainview Road and follow

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Cider, Pies, Doughnuts, Baked Goods, Hard cider and Apple wine.

Farmstand, PYO and Mail Order/Gift Packs

Chapin Orchard
James Bove
150 Chapin Road
Essex Jct, VT 05452
(802) 879-6210

September 1, through mid November (Daily 9-5:30)
(Follow signs from the intersection of Rt 15 and Rt 128 in Essex Center)

Macintosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early varieties, Old-fashioned varieties,
Fresh (Sweet) Cider, Pies, doughnuts, baked goods, cider jelly.
Farm stand, PYO, Mail Order/Gift Packs, Who


Caledonia County




Chittenden Mill Market & Deli

Kyle Busier
1580 Dorset St.
South Burlington VT 05403
(802) 862-4602 or 1-800-696-4602.

Open Year Round
(Location: 3 mi south of University Mall on Dorset St)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties
Apples, cider (sweet & hard), apple wine, other apple specialties; pies, doughnuts, baked goods, cider
jelly, pumpkins, vegetables, grapes

Shelburne Orchards
Nicholas Cowles
216 Orchard Rd.
Shelburne, VT 05482
(802) 985-2753

September - October
(Rt 7 south of Shelburne Museum, take Bostwick Rd west for 2 miles, then right on Orchard Rd, follow signs)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-fashioned Varieties,
Sweet Cider, Ginger Cider, Pies, doughnuts, Baked Goods.
Farm Stand, PYO & Wholesale, School Tours.

Franklin County

Franklin Orchard

James Wright
251 Messier Rd
Franklin VT 05457
(802) 285-6785

Labor Day – November 10
(From Rt 120 to Rt 235; and from Rt 207 to Rt 235, turn on Messier Rd)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Cider.
Farm Stand & PYO

Vaillancourt Orchard

Chris Vaillancourt
651 Kendall Rd
Enosburg Falls VT 05450
(802) 933-5120

September through end of October
(Rte 105 east to Rte 236; 1 st road on the right off Rte 236; travel 1.5 miles and orchard is on
right – follow the signs from Rte 105, just 2-3 miles west of Enosburg Falls)

Cider Pressing on Site
Farm Stand & PYO

West Swanton Orchards & Cider Mill

Wayne Bourgeois
9 Fourth Street
Swanton, VT 05488
(802) 868-9100

May – December
(Vt Rt 78W between Swanton & Alburg)

McIntosh, Cortland, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Cider, Pies, Doughnuts and Baked Goods and unique gift shop.
Farm Stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs, & Wholesale

Grand Isle County

Allenholm Farm
Ray W., Pam, & Ray C. Allen
P.O. Box 300
So. Hero, VT 05486
(802) 372-5566

Late May til Dec 24 th, 9-5 daily
( 111 South St – follow state and local signs)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-fashioned Varieties, Pies, Cider, Apple Wine and other apple specialties including applesauce and apple butter.
Farm Stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs, and Wholesale

Hackett's Orchard

Celia & Ron Hackett
86 South St.
South Hero, VT 05486
(802) 372-5555

April 1 - December 30 daily
(In South Hero village, turn south off US Rte 2 at Merchants Bank onto South St., 8/10 mile on right)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-fashioned Varieties, Cider, Pies, Doughnuts, Baked Goods, cider jelly and other apple specialties.
Farm Stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs

Hall's Orchard

Allen Hall
4461 Main St.
Isle La Motte, VT 05463

July – February
(Rt 129 to Isle La Motte, 4.5 miles from bridge to south end of Isle La Motte)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties.
Farm Stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs, and Wholesale, School Tours.

Orange County

Liberty Orchard
Dwayne and Ginny Brees
408 West Street
Brookfield, VT 05036
(802) 276-3161

Late September - Mid October

Liberty and other new naturally disease free varieties on short, easy to pick trees.
Farm Stand & Pick Your Own

Orleans County -

There are no orchards here but if you are in this area, the closest orchard is across the border in Quebec. It's called Heath, and is on Route 143 out of Stanstead. Everybody from the Northeast Kingdom goes there in the fall for their Macintosh apples. Health Orchards uses NO Pesticides.

Vermont Technical College Orchard

Kyle Thygesen
P.O. Box 500
Randolph Ctr., VT 05061
(802) 728-1265

Approx. 3 rd week in September to 3 rd week in October
(Exit 4 I-89, one mile up hill to Randolph Center. Follow signs to VTC )

Variety of Apples Farm Stand & PYO

Rutland County

Apple Hill Farm

Russ Janney
Jct 103 & 7B
N Clarendon VT 05759
(802) 438-5068

August 1 st through December
(from Rutland, take Rt 7 south; take a left onto Route 103. Located on left at 1 st intersection – Jct 103 & 7B)

20 Varieties including Early and Old-fashioned Varieties, Pies; also pumpkins, winter squash, fall ornamentals and vegetables.

Farm Stand & Wholesale

Mendon Mt. Orchards
Millie Steingress
16 US Route 4
Mendon, VT 05701
(802) 775-5477

Year Round
(3 miles east of Rutland on Rte 4, south side)

Cider, Pies & Baked Goods.
Farm Stand & PYO

Washington County

Cold Hollow Cider Mill
Paul Brown
P.O. Box 420
Waterbury Ctr., VT 05677
(802) 244-8771

Every day of the year except Thanksgiving & Christmas Day
(Interstate 89, Exit 10, go north on Rt 100 towards Stowe, 3.5 mi on the right)

Cider, Hard cider, Apples, Apple wine, Cider Jelly and other apple specialties
Cider Mill with Bakery & Gift Shop; Mail Order Available

Windham County

Connecticut Valley Orchard

Russell Allen
P.O. Box 74
Westminster Station, VT 05159
(802) 722-3340

September and October
(Exit 5 off I-91, take Kurn Hattin Road, follow for approx. 2 mi., follow signs)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, old-fashioned varieties.
Pick Your Own. School Tours

Dutton Farm Stand
Paul & Wendy Dutton
136 Grassy Brook Rd
Newfane VT 05345
(802) 365-4168

Open year round, daily 9 AM – 7 PM
(Rte 30 Newfane; Rte 30 Manchester (802) 362-3083; Rte 9W Brattleboro (802) 254-9612)

Apples, Cider, Pies, doughnuts and baked goods, Cider jelly.
Farm stand, Bakery, Greenhouse

Dwight Miller & Son Orchards

D. Read Miller III
511 Miller Road
East Dummerston, VT 05346
(802) 254-9111

August - December 24 (Open Every day 9-5)
Route 5 North of Brattleboro, left onto Schoolhouse Road in East Dummerston, right onto Miller Road.

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious.
Fresh (Sweet) Cider, Cider jelly, Apple Wine.

Farm stand, Pick Your Own, Mail Order/Gift Packs.

Green Mountain Orchards
The Darrow Family
PO Box 225
Putney, VT 05346
(802) 387-5851

Mid July– Mid May
(Exit 4 off I-91, north on Rt 5, to center of town, take a left at General Store, about 1mile and take a left onto West Hill Rd, Orchard 1/2 mile on right.)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early varieties, Old Fashioned Varieties.
Fresh (Sweet Cider), Pies, doughnuts, baked goods, Cider jelly, Hard Cider and Apple wine .
Farm stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs and Wholesale. School Tours.

Harlow's Sugar House

Don Harlow
563 Bellows Falls Rd
Putney VT 05346
(802) 387-5852

March 1 – December 30
( Exit 4 I-91; 3 miles north on US Rt 5)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early Varieties, Old-fashioned varieties, Cider and Cider jelly, Pies, doughnuts, baked goods.

Farm stand, PYO and Wholesale

Scott Farm

Ezekiel Goodband
707 Kipling Rd
Dummerston VT 05301
(802) 254-6868

August 20 - Thanksgiving
(Exit 3 off I-91 to Rt 5 south – right onto Black Mtn Rd, right at fork onto Kipling Rd – 1.5 miles to farm)

Over 70 Varieties of Apples, Early varieties, Old-fashioned varieties, Apple wine.
Farm stand, PYO, Mail order/gift packs and Wholesale


Map of Vermont Counties shows location of orchards

Apple Events

Vermont Small Farms Food Festival
Shelburne Orchards
September 11
Contact: (802) 985-2753

Free Orchard Concerts
Champlain Orchards
Sept. 12 – 2-4pm – Va-et-Vient
Music from France, Quebec & Louisiana
Sept. 19 – 1-4pm – Route 7 Ramblers
Bluegrass, Folk & Old Time Music
Contact: (802) 897-2777

A Celebration of Westminster Farming
Harlow Farm
September 18 (a one day event)
Contact: (802) 387-5852

Pie Fest
Shelburne Orchards
September 26
Contact: (802) 985-2753

Dummerston Apple Pie Festival & Craft Fair
Dummerston Center Congregational Church
October 10
Contact: (802) 254-9158

Vermont Apple Festive
Riverside School
Springfield, VT
Columbus Day Weekend

Cabot Apple Pie Festival
Cabot VT
October 16
Apple pie contests, variety sampling, cider pressing, free cider, light lunch, craft fair, entertainment. School gymnasium on Main Street. Call (802) 426-3783 for more information

South Hero Apple Fest
South Hero, VT
Saturday & Sunday, October 9 & 10, 10 AM – 4 PM each day
Free admission and parking.
Contact: Pam Allen at (802) 372-5566

Orleans County - There are no orchards here but if you are in this area, the closest orchard is across the border in Quebec. It's called Heath, and is on Route 143 out of Stanstead.

An apple is a fruit whose seeds are embedded in the core of the fruit. When an apple is sliced in half, the apple core looks like a star. It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider. Two pounds of apples make one 9-inch pie. Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruit.

An apple doesn't contain fat and consumption helps reduce risk of cancer. Apples don't sodium so they help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. They are an excellent source of fiber and help reduce cholesterol levels.

Vermont honey bees play an important role in apple production

Windsor County

Wellwood Orchards
Roy Mark
529 Wellwood Orchard Rd
Springfield VT 05156-9609
(802) 263-5200

Mid August – November 1
(Take Exit 8 off I-91 to Springfield, in the center of town go through the lights and take a right by the Stone Church on Valley Street, go about 4 miles and take a right onto Wellwood Orchard Road)

McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Red Delicious, Early varieties, Old-fashioned varieties.
Cider, Pies, doughnuts, baked goods, Cider jelly.

Farm stand, PYO. School tours.

Wood’s Cider Mill
Tina & Willis Wood
1482 Weathersfield Center Rd
Springfield VT 05156
(802) 263-5547

(Take Valley St from downtown Springfield and at time & temp sign, 4 ½ mi on left; from the north take Rt 91, Exit 8, 2 miles on Rt 131, then left on Weathersfield Center Rd, 4 ½ mi on right)

Cider, Cider jelly and other apple specialties; 1880’s Cider Press in use.
Farm stand, Mail order/gift packs and Wholesale