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Start of Foliage season muted by rain

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:56 pm
by admin
This first week of the season has been rather dull. The colors are coming on as they should especially at higher elevations and in the NEK. However with the cloudy days and intermittent rain, the colors have been rather muted except when there have been the occasional sunny periods.Hopefully the weather will be a bit more cooperative in the coming days

Re: Start of Foliage season muted by rain

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:00 am
by MinnieB
I've been in PA the last two weeks and am heading back to NH tomorrow. I'll be passing through VT and will report what I see. Western PA is getting early color, some trees just about fully turned, good color. Surprised to see color this early here. When I came over on the 14th, I saw a lot of green to brown in NY. Saw a little of that in PA, too, but not as much as NY. There wasn't much change of color in VT at the time. I came across on Rt. 4.